trading post
- n.(尤指北美旧时偏远地区的)贸易站

New York was originally a Dutch trading post .
A Portuguese trading post was established here in1557 and became a free port in1849 .
It was a big trading post up north .
It 's become a trading post .
Crimes Investigation Debate trading post crime investigation in our common practice , but such behavior is rare .
What is the name of the woman Gaius encounters at the trading post ?
For the past three weeks we have been in a Russian trading post on the Aleutian islands .
Jiangjin , a Yangtze trading post a half hour from Chongqing 's urban core , illustrates how local officials created growth .
The cathedral sits on the highest point of the City of London , which originated as a Roman trading post situated on the River Thames .
For Shanghai and Shenzhen the two trading post established has also possess the history of over 10 years until now , and the stock marketplace is continuously developed in the norm .
Irina knows that the destruction of the Gerhart 's trading post still does not mean that she is rid of the Duke .
And the bar is not the only thing booming in this remote Mozambican town , which grew up as a trading post on the Zambezi river .
Founded as a French trading post in1843 , it was named Libreville after freed slaves settled here ( 1848 ) . Population , 235,700 .
The British East India Company established a trading post on the island in1819.The main settlement up to that point was a Malay fishing village at the mouth of the Singapore River .
Through case study , the paper compares two different opinions on the items of taxation the fiduciary should pay in the buyout and presents the reasons why trading post shouldn tbe considered as fees .
In1819 , Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles , a British East India Company official , made a treaty with the Sultan of Johore and established Singapore as a trading post and settlement .
In1613 the Portuguese , the newest power in the region , burned down a trading post at the mouth of the Singapore River , and the curtain came down on the tiny island for two centuries .
It all started in the 1920s , when the infamous Route 66 gained massive traffic from adventurous travelers . Many of these travelers stopped for supplies at Canyon Lodge , which was just a small trading post run by Earle and Louise Cundiff at the time .
Pray for the Father who gives us our daily bread to be glorified in YULIN , a once-thriving trading center and military post on the Great Wall in north Shaanxi .